Map of Relationships: listen to or read the whole story
I’ve posted the unabridged Map of Relationships in both written script and narrated MP3 versions. Print the Map itself and use it as you read or listen along.
Continue reading →I’ve posted the unabridged Map of Relationships in both written script and narrated MP3 versions. Print the Map itself and use it as you read or listen along.
Continue reading →A fun article with labels for the different types of relationships. Tis all based on my Map of Relationships and experience. Take this as seriously as you choose.
Continue reading →Work, Work! In this article I want to share my view of the process of how to get a great relationship from the very widest perspective. I suggest that you read my paper on the Map of Relationship first, to prepare to grasp this view.
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I have received requests to list books that have been, and are, important to me in developing my thinking. Here I will organize that list, and link them to, so that you can get them. This list will grow as I think of them. I am just listing the ones that have been repeatably, and durably, “hot” for me. Enjoy!
Continue reading →How to approach relationship challenges? Tis all about applying knowledge of the Biological Dream and learning those skills. Tis all about knowing where you currently are on the Map of Relationships. Here are some examples.
Continue reading →I got this question, recently. Apparently in my Map of Relationships I have not described it enough. I guess I just referred to it as a "place" that people, all people want to go to. Well, ok, I'll share some thoughts on it.
Continue reading →A recent letter sparked me to thinking about how I handle this tough situation. I have been using this all purpose skill for a dozen years, recommending it to my clients. Some use it. Some don’t. Sometimes it makes things “better.” Sometimes it seems to make things “worse.” Life is like that. Take a-look.
Continue reading →This question comes in often. “I am single and am looking for a partner. I know I have defects. How do I attract the right partner, one I can work with? How do I go about it?”
Continue reading →Working for the long haul. Let's say you two make it through learning the skills critical to "getting along." Now what? Here's the view after you get over that first hump.
Continue reading →This is the script of a DVD of the full form of the Map of Relationships. Part VII, Final Points.
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