
Get the Book — 10 Comments

  1. Pingback:Books I Read – Al Turtle's Relationship Wisdom

  2. Hi Al,
    I love your site, and reading it has very much helped me already. 🙂

    I would love to get your book, but unfortunately I can’t buy it from Amazon (am in the Netherlands, don’t have a credit card and amazon doesn’t take Paypal).

    Is there any other place I could get it from?

    • Remember, that book is Scott Dodson’s and is based on my website and teachings. “My book” is my website.

      Scott’s book is only published by Amazon and they print copies as the are ordered. Seems clumsy but efficient from their POV.


      • Hi Al,
        No worries, thank you for your reply!
        I’m sure I’ll manage to find a way to get it from Amazon somehow – maybe ask someone if I can pay through their credit card or for my birthday or something. 🙂

        Ah, of course, I sort of melted the book and your website together in my mind. My apologies!
        The website is terrific, filled with great advice (and always very uplifting when I am feeling sad or scared or angry about the – currently dormant – relationship with a certain gentleman, which was what led me here in the first place).

        I have been printing out the pages that felt the most useful (or the most painful) to me, because I am not very good at absorbing information from a computer screen.
        On the other hand, I don’t want to sacrifice too many trees – it’s always a bit of a dilemma!

        I noticed that some of the pages that were still there a few months ago now appear to be gone; in some articles, the links are even struck through.
        Is that because you have different ideas about them now?
        The page about ‘Validation’ is one, for instance.

        • The website provider, WordPress, has been having some trouble, and links are sometime lost for a while. All should be good again – someday. No, i haven’t changed my mind. Stuff is still good. Kill some trees and welcome. But plant some more.

          I’m off in Mexico watching the ocean with Sandra. Very nice and warm.

        • Glad to know everything is still here.
          And I managed to find a website in the UK (that I’d used before) that sells the book! It will take 7-10 before it gets shipped, so presumably they order it from Amazon first, but that is fine.

          Ah, Mexico is lovely. Some wonderful memories there, thank you for reminding me. 🙂
          Enjoy your time there with Sandra!

  3. Al I miss seeing your face! I hope the move went well. I start NIC this summer and then full time in the fall! Thank you for helping me along my journey 🙂

    • I am interested in  feedback on it.  Scott has certainly but a lot of energy into it over the years.  I get thrown off by issues of accuracy, which I think he does pretty well.  But I am curious how it reads.  

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